Head Office
Sales Contacts
IAn Pearce (SA,VIC,TAS,NT) 0448 901 774
Mule PARMENTER (QLD,NSW) 0419 794 036
Gerard Sharp (WA) 0400 828 613
The OnTRAK real-time bearing monitoring and lubrication system utilising the Ultra-Trak 850 sensor is designed to provide the earliest warning of bearing failure, and the UE-M Series autoluber to prevent lubrication issues with simplicity and scale in mind.
Designed to mount near the monitored assets, the OnTRAK requires fewer cables and installation time than traditional condition monitoring systems.
With three options to connect the OnTRAK system, ethernet, wifi or Cellular, it gives you options for best integrating this system with your existing automation and IT infrastructure.
Designed to give flexibility into how to store and visualise data. With Build functionality supporting REST API calls over an HTTP (or HTTPS), moving data into IBM Watson, Microsoft Azure, PTC Thingworxs, and other platforms is a breeze.
It accommodates 16 channels and is built to scale from one system to hundreds, utilising unique IDs and factory configuration. Plug in, connect, and data will be streaming in minutes.
The OnTRAK system can now integrate with a UE-M Series Autoluber to add grease to the bearing when needed without needing to visit the bearing. The OnTRAK can now activate the greasing facility of the UE-M Autoluber from any office. More about the functionality of the OnTRAK Smart Lube System
Designed to limit or, in most cases, eliminate the need for any maintenance. With no battery to replace and maintenance-free operation of the sensor and system, any configuration changes can be done remotely from the comfort and safety of your desk.
When remoteness, difficult access or safety make it challenging to retrieve information from a test point, and there is no LAN or Wifi available, the Ultra-Tek GSM4G™ Mobile phone unit is the ideal answer. All you will need is a mobile phone signal.
The Ultra-Tek GSM4G™ unit will send an SMS to a linked mobile phone when the equipment reaches a predetermined trigger point.
The user can then dial back to the GSM4G™ unit and view real-time data on the equipment. The signal can be live streamed and used for analysis in the UE SPECTRALYZER™ Special Analysis software for diagnosis.
The new GSM4G-EL™ unit now has the added ability to integrate with an ATS Titan ll Electro-Luber or an ATS Ultimate Electro-Luber to add grease to the bearing when required by sending an SMS instruction to activate the electro-luber.
The Ultra-Tek GSM4G™ unit uses a standard phone sim card and a UE Systems Ultra-Trak 750™ Ultrasound sensor providing 24/7 real-time information. The trigger points can be remotely set and altered by sending an SMS instruction to the unit. The user can dial in at any time to see real-time information on the performance of the equipment. Each unit is PIN-protected; multiple phones can dial in to see live data if a PIN is included.
The signal can be live-streamed and used for analysis in the UE SPECTRALYZER™ Special Analysis software for diagnosis.
The Ultra-Tek GSM4G™ unit can be permanently fixed to the equipment and can operate using either 24VDC or 240 VAC power.
The Ultra-Tek GSM4G™GSM4G™ unit is fixed in an IP68 weatherproof container and can monitor any of the following Ultrasound readings:
The UltraTrak 850S Smart Analog Sensor is a modern ultrasound sensor and transmitter designed to detect early-onset failures in industrial equipment. The 850S works in tandem with existing plant automation and can be used for a wide range of applications including ultrasound condition-based lubrication, bearing fault detection, valve leakage, and steam trap issues.
The Ultra-Trak™ senses high-frequency emissions produced by operating equipment. A baseline threshold can be set within a wide dynamic range of 120 decibels. Once selected, the Ultra-Trak™ then monitors changes in ultrasonic amplitude within 40 decibels. The Ultra-Trak™ can be connected with other devices to provide alarms or to track potential problems over time. In some instances, the Ultra-Trak™ can be used for sound level increases, such as to warn of the onset of valve leakage or bearing failure. Amplitude fall-off can be used to signal line flow disruption or alarm of machine shutdown.
Ultra-Trak™ is ready to guard against unplanned downtime and product loss the minute it is installed. Ultra-Trak™ passively monitors ultrasounds produced by operating equipment. It can be readily connected to alarms or recorders for data logging, thanks to its 4-20 mA current output and a pure demodulated output.
Housed in stainless steel, the rugged Ultra-Trak™ 750 is water-resistant and dustproof, which means it can be externally mounted in some of the most challenging environments. Couple this with an extensive dynamic range of 120 dB and sensitivity adjustment; this sensor is ready to meet your most demanding sensing needs.
There is nothing like UE Systems 4Cast ULTRASONIC MONITORING SYSTEM
4Cast is a smart alert system that records data and sounds continuously, issues alarms and sends data and sound samples to specialised software for analysis and reporting.
Data along with sound samples can be reviewed and analysed to determine the condition of a bearing just before, during and after a change in alarm status. This provides essential information to help understand what happened and when it happened.
Online Monitoring Solutions for Critical Electric Transmission and Distribution Equipment
With the UE 4Site, continuous online ultrasound inspection can be performed at all voltage levels (Low, medium, and high) and is used to detect:
Implement our cutting-edge online systems and elevate your maintenance practices for unmatched efficiency and reliability.
Contact Information
Sales Contact Ian Pearce: 0448 901 774
Head Office: Unit 5 2 Maiella Street Stapylton, QLD 4207
Business Hours