Head Office
Sales Contacts
IAn Pearce (SA,VIC,TAS,NT) 0448 901 774
Mule PARMENTER (QLD,NSW) 0419 794 036
Gerard Sharp (WA) 0400 828 613
Ultra-Tek prides itself as a supplier of world-class Industrial Ultrasound Instruments for optimising asset reliability. In order to ensure our product provides an optimum return on investment, we also provide training courses tailored to the client's requirements, delivered face-to-face in the form of Orientation, Technology Implementation and certification training.
This one-day course is designed as the minimum start-up package for new clients. It will make users conversant with their Ultraprobe Instrument's many features and the Data Management Software (DMS) and Spectralyzer diagnostic software platforms. It is delivered in a classroom-style environment with a high level of hands-on practical work to embed the learnings.
Note: The Spectralyzer product is best suited for Ultraprobe UP10000 and Ultraprobe UP15000 Touch users
For clients already comfortable with using their Ultraprobe and software, this one-day course specifically focuses on the Technology and Applications of Ultrasound. It will help users understand how ultrasound works, detail the many inspection techniques, and contains plenty of case histories on applications from the five focus areas:
It also contains a section on Condition Based Lubrication using ultrasound to optimise your lubrication program and usage, generating immediate returns to the program. This course is a 50:50 split between the traditional classroom environment with a high level of hands-on practical work out in the plant to embed the learnings.
This two-day course is the most popular of all our training offerings for new purchasers of the Ultraprobe UP3000 and Ultraprobe UP9000 instruments. It is a combination of both 1 & 2 above.
It will jump-start your Ultrasonic Inspection Program by having knowledgeable Ultraprobe users targeting the suitable applications correctly to achieve the best results. This delivers the most rapid return on investment and comes highly recommended.
This two-and-a-half-day course is the most popular of all our training offerings for new purchasers of the Ultraprobe UP10000 and Ultraprobe UP15000 Touch instruments. It is a combination of both 1 & 2 above.
It will jump-start your Ultrasonic Inspection Program by having knowledgeable Ultraprobe users targeting the suitable applications correctly to achieve the best results. This delivers the most rapid return on investment and comes highly recommended.
Airborne Ultrasound is a non-destructive test. The effectiveness of airborne ultrasonic tests depends upon the capabilities of the personnel who are responsible for and perform inspections.
Certification is written documentation of qualification. Certification is evidence that personnel performing airborne ultrasound possess knowledge and understanding of the test method and gives the inspector the confidence to perform the inspection to the highest level of success.
Specific topics must be addressed in the classroom training to meet the requirements of ISO Cat 1 & ISO Cat 2 certification in line with ISO 18436 Written Practice, SNT-TC-1A. The recommended instruction hours are 32 hours for Level I and 32 hours for Level II. Requirements for Level I, II, and III Certification To achieve an official certification, classroom training meeting the requirements of SNT-TC-1A must be completed along with successfully passing the General, Specific and Practical examinations with a score of 80% or better.
Documentation of education or experience must be maintained annually. Hearing acuity must meet the minimum requirement of one ear of less than 25 dBHL at 500 Hz to 4 kHz (with or without aid.) Hearing acuity examinations must be documented annually.
Level II Training is generally an advanced version of Level I.
This 32-hour course is designed to meet the intent of SNT-TC-1A. Students completing this course are familiar with the scope and limitations of Airborne/Structure Borne Ultrasonic Inspection, can set up and calibrate equipment, interpret and evaluate results concerning applicable codes, standards, and specifications, and organise and report inspection results. Course content includes advanced theory, data collection, inspection techniques, and reporting. A General, Specific, and Practical test is given at the end of the course.
Video using Ultraprobe 15000 in bearing testing.
Video using Ultraprobe 9000 for bearing testing
Quality training can maximise the returns on your Ultrasound investment and boost your operational efficiency.
Contact Information
Sales Contact Ian Pearce: 0448 901 774
Head Office: Unit 5 2 Maiella Street Stapylton, QLD 4207
Business Hours